Sunday 3 July 2011


I'm posting this from a doctors surgery, a doctors surgery with free wifi. Imagine. It's a doctors surgery that calls me a 'guest', and has velvet sofas in the waiting area, and has a tea lady with a trolley with drinks that are free. That's right, I've gone private.

It's also a doctors surgery that makes you queue for the cashier
before you can book in for your appointment. I've been waiting an hour so far for my insurance to be approved before I can even start the process of waiting for my appointment. It's a new world for me, and so far I'd swap the coffees and the armchairs for the good old nhs any day.

It's weird for me, this link between health care and profit. I don't like it. I mainly think I don't like it because I was told to fast for eight hours before this appointment, so every hour they keep me waiting is another hour without breakfast, which makes me mad anyway.  And why am I waiting anyway? I thought going private meant I didn't need to wait?

Apparently I'm waiting for my doctor to get back and fill out the finance form, but I just saw my doctor upstairs, riffling through a stack of newspapers. Considering the number of newspaper clippings he has of himself on the wall, I can only assume he's looking for stories about himself.

I'm underwhelmed with the private experience so far.

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