Sunday 27 February 2011

It's not over yet you know

To those of you who were there, our wedding may seem like a distant memory now, but let me tell you that that is not the case for me. Oh no. Our wedding is still keeping me busy on an almost daily basis.

I have just finished an epic Q&A for 'Wedding Ideas Magazine' - who might feature my 'real life wedding'. The further into the questionnaire
I got, the guiltier I felt. Questions like 'what gifts did you get your bridesmaids?' and 'what favours did you give your guests?' made me realise my guests and helpers had been very hard done by indeed. There were plenty of favours alright - but not the sort they were talking about.

And now the task of thanking all our put upon invitees. The thank you cards arrived in my Mothers luggage three days ago and are now sitting in a large, menacing pile on the dining room table, waiting to be  filled. The picture on the front is of N and I at the end of the night, looking rather ravaged by alcohol. I'm not sure why we chose it, it's not the most flattering shot, but it's probably how most people remember us - pasty faced and bleary eyed.  

We're also struggling with the daily challenge of remembering to wear our wedding rings. I don't know if it gets harder to establish new routines when you hit your thirties (old dogs, new tricks etc..), but for the life of us we can't remember to put them on. We keep trying to catch each other out, but neither of us remembers to wear our own ring often enough to be in a position to shame the other one. Some might see this as an ominous omen, but I consider this shared failing to be yet another example of how perfect we are for each other.

1 comment:

  1. 1. Favours are overrated.
    2. You both look fab in those photos.
    3. The only way to remember to wear your wedding rings is to not take them off. Ever. Pregnancy swelling excepted, I have never not worn mine. The husband, on the other hand, developed an 'allergy' to his and now goes bare-fingered. I tease him about it weakening his 'pulling power' but I know that really he just isn't a jewellery type of person...
