Tuesday 8 March 2011

Resident Eve-il

We are now officially residents of Qatar - our Residents Permits have arrived - too late for me to make it home to my Nan's funeral, but arrived nevertheless.

To celebrate this monumentous occasion, we have decided to bring our six weeks of eating out for every meal to an end and finally
accept that we're not on holiday anymore. Refusing to cook because I left my soy sauce in London is not sustainable in the long term, a fridge full of water and orange juice may be very 'cribs', but it's not very me.

To ease myself in I had a crack at a Salmon Raman. It's quick, easy and tasty - what could possibly go wrong? I should have known something was amiss when I couldn't cut the dry noodles with scissors. But I persevered and after 15 minutes or so the noodles had softened enough to be crammed into the pan - but not enough to be in any way edible. When it became evident that the noodle situation wasn't improving, I was forced to pluck each one, individually, from the soupy broth. It wasn't an unmitigated disaster - we managed to salvage a watery soup and some overcooked salmon from the pan for our tea - but it was an inauspicious start.

Luckily I managed a reasonable feta and squash pasta dish yesterday, so i'm slowly getting my mojo back. But I'm already counting the days to our next night out...

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