Saturday 17 December 2011

Baby Stuff

I managed to hold out for 30 weeks, but today the time came to drag N around Mothercare to buy cotton wool and Sudocrem. For 30 long weeks I have spent my days standing in Mothercare, Mamas and Papas and every supermarket in the GCC, staring at nappy brands and muslin squares. I put everything I need into my basket, then I chastise myself
for being a hysterical pregnant woman and put it all back. The fact that even at this stage my bump could be mistaken for the side effect of a Dunkin' Donuts multi box makes me even more embarrassed. But now I have a slight waddle and a dodgy back, I consider myself eligible for mother-to-be madness.

I'm mainly proud that i've resisted the urge to bankrupt myself on unnecessary designer nursery furniture. It helps that anything I want to keep i'm going to have to carry on a plane back to blighty, along with a two month old - that does tend to focus the mind...

So here's what i've managed to pull together so far - let me know if i'm missing anything major:

Car seat - kindly donated by my sister* and brought out here by N. Apparently the hospital i'm planning to give birth in gives you a free car seat when you leave (this IS the Gulf) - but sometimes they run out, leaving panicky Dads with a last minute shopping mall dash. To be avoided I think.

Moses basket - The Gulf does not stock moses baskets with fewer than seven ruffles per cubic cm. I've not met my son yet, but I already get the impression he's not a 'ruffle' kind of guy. Kind in-laws are lugging a nice simple moses basket over from the UK when they visit next week. In-laws - I salute you.

Bouncy chair - Baby Bjorn bouncy chair bought from a flea market last week (flea market held in the Sheraton Hotel ballroom - this IS the Gulf). I got the chair, a wooden toy attachment, a baby name book and a blanket for a tenner. I could tell the stall holders were a little peeved that I was wasn't more visibly chuffed with my purchase - it wasn't until I got home and looked it up that I realised what a bargain I'd got. Stall holders - a little belated salute to you too.

Slings a plenty - my sister has given me three - count them - three slings - one loungewear, one smart casual, and one for special occasions - a sling capsule wardrobe. I may not have ended up getting married in a squaw headdress as i'd planned - but i'll be getting a baby in a papoose instead - which is even better.

Clothes - this boy has more clothes than any man I know - all donated by my sister or bought as gifts by lovely friends. He's going to be the best dressed young man in the GCC. I'll admit that at aforementioned flea market I may have bought a gorgeous little wicker chest for all his little clothes - but it was only £3.50 and he needed somewhere to store his 31 bodysuits, 16 sleepsuits, 13 hats and other assorted mini garments.

Poo disposal products - bring it on little man - i'm ready for whatever you can throw at me in the exploding bottom department. Changing mat - check, cotton wool - check, baby wipes - check, top and tail bowl - check, Sudocrem - check. Everything, in fact, except the nappies and the baby...

Miscellaneous items - oh yes, plenty of those too. Blankets, baby towel, bottles, muslins, flannels, stuff, things, bits... yet I look at my latest baby book, bought today and bringing the baby library total up to eight - and I see that I still have more to get. Where's my baby first aid kit? What kind of mother am I that I hadn't even thought of that? Waterproof pads? eh? Quilted mattress pads? Nightgowns with elasticated bottoms? Never heard of them... baby book author, you must be sponsored by 'Babies R Us'.

*You may begin to notice - through the course of this post, that my sister is basically keeping me and this baby afloat. She's a good sister.

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