Sunday 24 April 2011

A terrifying near death experience.

Tonight one of my worst nightmares came true. Not the one where I lose my footing and career to my death down a flight of tube station stairs, the other one, the one where i'm running on an out of control treadmill.
It was dreadful.
There I was, happily
trundling along at a sedate 9k an hour, the next thing I know the machine had developed a life of its own. Suddenly it's speeding up, faster and faster. I hit the slow down button - nothing. I go to hit the emergency button - there is no emergency button, just a complex series of ropes and pulleys that are impossible to decipher at high speed. I had no choice but to take the only remaining option - I yelped and I leapt. I leapt like my little life depended on it. And it did. I was seconds away from being flung onto the support bars of a Powertec calf raise multi gym station.
I'm pleased to report that I survived the ordeal, and my husband, the gym supervisor and a passing cleaner got a good laugh out of it, which thrills me.
I sought solace in a burger, fries and two glasses of Cotes Du Rhone, but I won't lie, I thought I was a goner there for a moment.

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