Saturday 8 January 2011

Wedding world

Rings purchased, caterers catering, sisters decorating, photographer photographing, wedding band tuning up….one week to go and all’s well in wedding world.

N and I spent the afternoon doing test shots on the South Bank with our lovely photographer. N did his surly, ‘I don’t want to have my photo taken’ scowl – I did a cheesy grin. Then we went to Liberty and bought the over budget wedding ring I’d been 

coveting. So that’s 2-0 to me.

We came home and decided to watch Seven Samurai to take our minds off wedding planning. N enforced a list making ban for the duration of the film, which happens to be 190 minutes long. Unfortunately I’m not capable of going that long without making a list, so the whole thing broke down. It’s a good film – I recommend it. A few too many bottoms in it for my liking, but there you go.

I also bought a gold skull in Urban Outfitters. It will have some role in the wedding, though I’m not sure what yet.


  1. Looks like an ideal ring bearer to me - one in each eye socket?

  2. Top table decoration, perhaps?

  3. I was going to post ring bearer before I spotted the comments above, so I 2nd the ring bearer option.
