Wednesday 5 January 2011

The highs and lows of wedding planning

Well – I apologise for not writing sooner. The truth is you see, that I have SO MUCH to report, I haven’t had time to write. But now I’ve settled down with a glass of pinot noir nestling in my hand, and a lamb rogan josh bubbling on the hob, I’ll fill you in.

I’m afraid we have to start on a downer, because that’s how my day started yesterday. I woke up to a killer sore throat and the news that the community centre we had hoped to hire for our reception venue is
not in fact available.. They commented in the email: ‘remember, you should ideally give us six weeks notice if you want to hire the hall’. Thanks community centre person, I’ll try and remember that.

So N and I jumped on a train and travelled to Oxford for an emergency recce. We found another community centre, but they can’t confirm whether we can hire it till Monday (!). I explained that I would

almost certainly have a nervous breakdown if I had to wait that long – they were unmoved. We’re currently in negotiations with community centre number three. Luckily Oxford seems to have almost as many community centres as it does pubs. And spires.

In other news:

My photographer has confirmed she can’t do it. Boo. But she’s put me in touch with another marvellous photographer who can do it. Yay.

The ring I’ve been lusting after for weeks is still available in my size. Yay. But I still can’t afford it. Boo.

The post ceremony drinks reception is organised and agreed. Yay. It transpires the quoted price was not including VAT. Boo.

But the most important news is that I’ve found the dress. It was dress number seven all along. May the accessory shopping commence…

N started his daily run regime yesterday.
Mine starts tomorrow.


  1. well, to put your mind a rest I will throw all my camera gear and tripod in the car on the day so i can act as back-up..

    I started my running regime also, suprised myself.

    Keep your chin up and the vino flowing. - martin

  2. Thanks Martin. The combination of vino and lemsip is definitely doing the trick. Impressed with your running regime - keep it up! x

  3. Oh no! I'm sure the poorliness will be due to stress.

    I can't imagine how much stress you must be under right now, but I'm sure a venue will appear - these things have a way of working out for the best. Fingers crossed here for you.

    Eliza x
